Basic Management Of LDAP Users


See installation of LDAP server

Starting using with the only command line tool available is a bit scary. But I think it will be fun and interesting to learn before installation a web interface to mange the ldap service. Because I dont think in any way that I can escape it for long.

There are 3 commands that I need to get my head into.

  • ldapadd
  • ldapsearch
  • ldapmodify

In this post I will scratch the surface of ldapadd and ldapsearch.

Starts with the file name options

ldapadd [OPTIONS] [CREDENTIALS] filename

With a *.ldif file I can add all my users to and populate the ldap database with system users .

Users and Groups

Starting by adding two new OU’s –  Users and Groups.
Create a ldif file named ‘ou.ldif’ with this info in the file:

nano /etc/ldap/ou.ldif

dn: ou=Groups,dc=kirk
ou: Groups
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit

dn: ou=Users,dc=kirk
ou: Users
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit


Using the ldapadd command to add the two new OU (Organizational Unit)

ldapadd -x -D cn=admin,dc=kirk -W -f ou.ldif


adding new entry “ou=Groups,dc=kirk”
adding new entry “ou=Users,dc=kirk”

Added me as a user in this users.ldif file

nano /etc/ldap/users.ldif

dn: cn=JKP,ou=Groups,dc=kirk
cn: JKP
gidNumber: 5000
objectClass: posixGroup

dn: uid=JKP,ou=Users,dc=kirk
uid: JKP
uidNumber: 5000
gidNumber: 5000
cn: Jonas Pedersen
sn: Pedersen
objectClass: posixAccount
objectclass: organizationalPerson
loginShell: /bin/bash
homeDirectory: /home/JKP


  • uid = username
  • cn  = common name
  • sn  = surname

This is a simple user entry. Nothing much in this one.

ldapadd -x -D cn=admin,dc=kirk -W -f users.ldif
adding new entry “cn=JKP,ou=Groups,dc=kirk”
adding new entry “uid=JKP,ou=Users,dc=kirk”

and file test that is has been added to the ldap server correcly

Skærmbillede 2015-03-22 14.20.28

Adding a client to the mix

I had a bit of trouble getting this working correctly and the reason is most guides and info are Pre 2014 where the structure of the ldap service changed.

But I will try lay out how I solved my issues

apt-get install -y libpam-ldapd

And it will install following packages

  • libnss-ldapd
  • nscd
  • nslcd

For user connectivity it is not necessary to configure anything else than libpam-ldapd when it is installed.

After install have started I got prompt from 3 questions

  1. Ldap server address
  2. Distinguished Name
  3. And services to configure

Skærmbillede 2015-03-22 15.07.10Start of the installation.

The configuration I have made here is simple and only to get a feeling of how ldap works. There is a lot of aspekst that are missing, like security and encryption of the connection between client and server.

Skærmbillede 2015-03-22 15.07.36If you have a working environment with supported dns then it is best practices to use the hostname instead of an IP address, but in this case the setup instruction might be right. Then the possibility is to add two URI´s to the configuration, Like I did here and then add a second one with the IP address.

Skærmbillede 2015-03-22 15.13.16My domain is *.kirk so I will add dc(domain container)=kirk.

Skærmbillede 2015-03-22 15.07.51Last thing is to choose what services ldap should support. Here I have chosen group, passwd and shadow. Press OK and the installation will end and services will restart and now it is possible to log in with the ldap user/Pass

And a quick test shows it

First picture is the login screen and the second one is a of
tail -f /var/log/authSkærmbillede 2015-03-22 21.00.24

Skærmbillede 2015-03-22 21.00.28


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